[Abandoned prototype] The Ragdolly Spider-Wheel
Who never wanted to play with Spider-Man ability to swing from webs ? Well, I wanted to do it, and I wanted to code it. I figured out that a ragdoll physic based game was the most satisfying and funny way to do it, so that's what I did using Love2D "realistic" physic system. I quickly realised that characters with legs in ragdolls game are a pain to control, that's why I gave him wheels. At the end of the day, I had a bunch of capability which were funny to use, but I had no real idea of level design or of challenges to use these idea, which is why I stopped development.
You can look at the controls menu to see all of the ability of Spider-Wheel, and test them out in my test level.
Credits: The Spider-Wheels scream's sound effect come from this video, sounds for webbing comes from the "Spider-Man 2" for the PS2, and the various graphical elements comes from Marvel comicbooks or from free stock photo/drawings websites.