Advanced Hunger Games Simulator
This is a complex Hunger Games Simulator. In one game can up to 200 tributes participate, which have hunger, thirst and health.
This game is in development and more features are planned.
- Between 2 to 200 tributes can participate in a game.
(Side note: More than 200 can participate, but then the performance goes down)
- Number of winners can be set freely.
- The probability of death can be set.
- Tributes have hunger, thirst and health. They can fill these needs with items.
- How much food and water tributes consume per day can be adjusted.
- Arena events
- Group mode:
If only tributes that belong to one group (e.g. District 1) live, all tributes that are left over win.
- It is possible to buy supplies, traps and immunity for tributes.
- It's a open-source project, you can download the Godot project folder.
(It is only partially documented)
The Browser and the Desktop versions are at the moment the same.
It is planned for the desktop version that events can be added, edited and deleted. It will also be possible to save and load game saves.