Advanced Infiltration Management System
Usage instructions:
Shoot at anything that moves. Servers, which can be identified by their octagonal shape and health indicators, are to be protected at all costs. Advancements in server technology allow these models to self-repair with negligible power consumption, but they must be isolated from virus attacks in order to do so.
Move with WASD
Jump with SPACE (x2)
Look with MOUSE
Shoot with LCLK
[note: the instructions reproduced above, along with the AIMS binary, were originally attachments in emails such as the following, which were sent out to AIMS program enlistees.]
Dear [redacted],
Based on the merit of your recent accomplishments, you have been reassigned to patrol the Pentagon's [redacted] Automatic Computer Resource Network (ACORN). Your AIMS program will be sent along with this digital mail, as will usage instructions.
Due to cuts to the info-ballistics division, you are ordered to terminate all foreign programs with extreme prejudice. We need every byte of this system's power allocated toward national defense concerns, in light of recent political developments.
Your position starts effective immediately.
Signed Lt Gen Lincoln D. Faurer, DIRNSA