Average Playtime: 4 hours

Age of Empires III: Complete Collection

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Age of Empires 3 Complete Collection is a real-time strategy, a sequel to Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. It includes the original game and two expansions: The Warchiefs and The Asian Dynasties, that add new playable civilizations.

Like in previous titles in the series, in Age of Empires 3 you choose and develop a civilization through ages. To progress you gather and manage resources, explore the world, upgrade the technology and units. The series’ new feature is the Home City, a separate powerhouse that provides additional options for your development, including unique upgrades you can use during the match. The goal of the game is to overcome AI or online opponents.

Age of Empires 3 features a political system. With each new age you choose politicians you want to support. They give you a certain bonus, for example, extra supplies or military units.

Besides a free mode, the game has a campaign divided into three acts. Instead of step-by-step development you take control of a civilization at the set time period and complete tasks.

Release date
Ensemble Studios
Microsoft Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows XP
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.0 GHz
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:64 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon X1300
  • DirectX®:dx90c
  • Hard Drive:12 GB HD space
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Last Modified: Mar 20, 2025

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Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition - Gameplay (PC/UHD)
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Age of Empires III: Complete Collection reviews and comments

Been playing AOE series for years and years and I always love it.
«Liked before it became a hit»
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
First Of all, I want to say that I don't usually play Games like Age of Empires. Mistakenly I bought this Game as I mistook it for Ceaser. Well, I give a short Review, because it seems important to me here. The Stories are all well decorated and drive m.M.n to continue playing this Game. From my Point of view, the Graphics are more than top! If you have played through the Stories, this Game does not end by a long shot. The Multiplayer is a pretty good Way to keep the Fun Of the Game going. With Both strangers and friends, there are many Maps and the individual ' Stämme/Nations ' all bring their Advantages. Since I bought this Game in the Sale it was a very worthwhile investment but also the full Price is justified. A Game you can always play-both alone and Online-with nice Graphics and great game ratio. A clear Buy recommendation from my Point of view.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Just a great Game and at that Time top class. For the present Time, while a bit old baking, the Hometown system still gives you long-term motivation Even in regular Battles. You get experience points after completing a Battle. You can then invest them in your Hometown. This allows you to unlock powerful Cards. All Peoples (except for the Indians I do not think successful) are exciting to play and offer great Variety. Example Ottomans. Who doesn't want to shoot his Enemies to pieces with a super-heavy Bombardment? I have not yet experienced Such An Artilletie of fixed people. Rearing great to play. Example Prussia. I get myself a Farmer from the Hometown and get an additional 2 Ulane. Then I boost my Economy with a Map from my Home Town and get 2 Ulane again. Then I get five More Bracelet Shooters and I get 2 Ulane. Now I want to have another Forest car and get two Ulane again. Slowly I have more Ulane than Farmers ... Quially funny to play. Prussia just XD Example Russians. Russians are also really Interesting to play as they make no Distinction between Defense Buildings and Barracks. Everything is trained in a Log Cabin, later Even Cannons! For example, China. It'S not so close to me, but also very interesting to play. Almost no Units can be trained individually. But only Armies, that is, a Network of several Units. This Variety shows that this Game is really worth buying. I grew up with the second AoE and can't understand the howling around of the "old Veterans." The Developers got the best out of the Game, and if you didn't cling to old Times so stubborn, you'd see that as well. It is good for me to see the Units throwing Torches at Buildings instead of beeping them with the Sword. Real Progress.
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