Always Day

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  • WASD – Movement
  • Spacebar – Jump
  • Left Mouse button – Navigate main menu
  • Left mouse click (hold) – build up your meter to stun the ghosts while hovering over them.
  • Alt+F4 - exit game.
  • Navigate your way along the three paths and reach the obelisks to take the light back from them by holding your lantern close to them. Once you have taken all the light from one, move back down the path and navigate along another one. Do this until all three paths are completed and you return to the coast to bring all your lights together and restore the day to the island!
  • Stick to path or you die. If you diverge from the path you will die.

Quick controls

Stick to path or you die. If you diverge from the path you will die.


On the island of Always Day, What lies within its bustling landscape and treacherous terrains is a sight to behold. Legend has it that this place is haunted by spirits that guard the keys that keep this island shrouded in shadows forever and wards off anyone who dares step foot on its soil. Luckily you are not like most adventurers…

You have been taken here upon your request and have been dropped off on the coast to make your way along any paths you will find further inland. Armed with your lantern, quarter staff and your courage, your goal is the find the key stone obelisks that are being kept hidden by a mysterious jungle, a great pool of volcanic rock and a passage that leads to the sky. Find these treasures, bring them back to the central obelisk of light and you will bring the light back from the grasp of the ghosts that have guarded them for so long!

  • Watch out for misleading paths and dangerous obstacles!
  • Jump from platform to platform as you time your movements carefully!
  • Fight off the evil spirits and absorb all the light you can into your lantern!
  • And remember where you came from as you make your way back to follow another route!

Navigate your way along the three paths and reach the obelisks to take the light back from them by holding your lantern close to them. Once you have taken all the light from one, move back down the path and navigate along another one. Do this until all three paths are completed and you return to the coast to bring all your lights together and restore the day to the island!


This is a prototype that will be developed further and completed to a much more polished version. Follow out teams updates to know how that goes! This is an isometric game that will be tweaked to work as intended.

List of Known issues/ Post Jam patches

- Nerf blue
- Reduce the search distance
- Better spawn for blue
- DropShadow
- Audio Loop
- Delete some trees - Label the air platforms as platforms
- Rotate second floating platform to match - Change Canvas on Endin

Developed by: OhmZ, VinceLB, Lyonelz96, d_kasavetova and Iforgethowtoread

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 19, 2020

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