Amazonia (Tartaruga Games)
Colonizers wish to turn all of Amazonia into farmland and exploit it for profit, an existential threat to all life in Amazonia.
Protect the Tree of Life which sustains life in Amazonia from the settlers who will set fire to the land they colonize.
With the help of the sun, animal, forest, water, and funghi spirits, you will protect the rainforest and local traditions for generations to come.
How to play:
Use the power of the jungle, water, animal, sun, and mushroom spirits to protect Amazonia!
- Forest Spirit power: Universal currency 3:1
- Water Spirit power: Put out fires
- Animal spirit power: Attack enemy territory
- Sun Spirit Power: Increase spirit generation
- Funghi Spirit Power: Heal land damaged from fire
Tiles cost spirit power upfront to protect but will generate spirit power weekly.
Fires spread quickly so be careful. If the tree of life burns down, you will lose!
Protect all 61 tiles to win!
On Tradition,
All traditions are shaped first and foremost by the material conditions of the preceding generations.
In the modern era, nothing will influence the future of traditions and culture more than the internet, which is already used to manipulate cultural values to further the interests of the ruling class.
Brazilian nationalists are fed a lie similar to that of Manifest Destiny in the United States; encouraged to steal public land to own as private property, which they believe to be their god-given right.
Without direct action, we threaten to eradicate the traditions of those who currently live in the Amazon and perpetuate the cycle of colonial violence, which will continue long after the burning stops.
“[...] it seeks to dehumanize them. Everything will be done to wipe out their traditions, to substitute our language for theirs and to destroy their culture without giving them ours” -Franz Fanon on colonial violence.
This project was developed solo by Felipe Ferreira using free assets (credits below.)
Funding would be used to develop original 2D art and expand gameplay.
Font by Nick Curtis.
2D art: