An Ant Alone
After a long day scouting for food, you come back to find ant hill in shambles!
Your sisters are dead, your colony destroyed, and the food you worked all year to collect is missing.
It's up to you to regrow your colony by rebuilding your food supply, and defend your nest against food thieves and swarms of parasitic wasp!
Kill Enemies To Collect Food
Turn That Food Into Acid To Kill More Enemies or
Deposit It In The Anthill To Increase Winter Food Supply!
This is a FPS and a Resource Management game, you have to deposit food to increase winter food storage but anything deposited can't be recovered.
You also have to be aware of enemy positions at all times as wasp will sneak up from all angles to kill you, and roaches will sneak up to the anthill and steal food when you aren't looking!
And running out of food to use as ammo when a swarm of wasp is chasing you will lead to a very quick death!
Mouse To Move Sights
Left Click To Shoot
Right Click To Deposit Food
W - Move Forwards
S - Move Back
A - Strafe Left
D - Strafe Right
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