Average Playtime: 7 hours

Animal Jam - Play Wild!

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WildWorks has partnered with prominent scientists and educators to bring science education and spectacular imagery of the natural world to kids in a completely new way. Our goal is to provide a fun, exciting, and safe place for kids to play online. Animal Jam also inspires kids to explore and protect the natural world outside their doors.

At WildWorks, your child’s safety is our priority. Animal Jam - Play Wild! protects your child’s private information with secure log in, filtered and monitored chat, live moderation, and the ability to block and report players instantly.

Children should always ask their parent or guardian for permission before they download and play. This game requires an Internet connection.

Animal Jam - Play Wild!

System requirements for Android

4.1 and up

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon R4 or better
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 515 MB available space
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Last Modified: Jan 7, 2024

Where to buy

Google Play

Top contributors


1 edit

Animal Jam - Play Wild! reviews and comments

This game is amazing  it first is 3D and I like those kid of games also NO LAG which is amazing and NO MEMBER ONLY ITEMS in aj classic almost everything is member .LIKE THIS IS 3D there is facts you can learn .there is still membership you can buy but its still amazing without.Its amazing game so GET THIS GAME IF YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review I can not choose whether to advise or not this game.. It has its positive sides and its negative sides! But since I've been playing it for a year.. Then I'll advise him! Positive: we meet some super funny people and Super buddies! You can create a unique House with hundreds of different objects! We can incarnate full of animals too cute!! We can show our unique style with plenty of accessories for all your animals! Every month there's new ones! as new animals and accessory! The graphics is very cute and surpasses the old animal jam from afar! The mini games sound nice:p the mysteries in the maps to be found with a big bunch of buddies! Now the negative.. Censorship, it censorship me the word Wolf.. What Wolf is a rampage? This censorship is broken.. You can't say anything. A system of bannisment.. Are you serious?! A paid thing shouldn't be allowed to do its.. Sapphire.. hard.. Impossible to have as much as a member who pays.. There's just kind of Sapphire animals out there, and then you go with your ugly Wolf, your rabbit and your filthy chimpanzee.. Animal jams this sell to have a game protect and safe for children thanks to their censorship of sick.. Well, his real steps.. This censorship just sucks.. And prevents us from expressing ourselves as we should.. but the Vice is still entered in the game! I saw bars of dancers, where (RP way of course xD) the wolves were making dances at $10 and there was even who was kissing in a corner of the den with their clients (a child will not understand anything but the older ones go quickly this feel uncomfortable even if seen , its for fake xD) to say that nothing serves to enclose the children and to silence them, the jerks exist and these are just words.. Everyone says.. they must be accepted! Fortunately the animal Jokers jam we find ways to say jerks even with censorship, it is adapting to understand the under-heard and invented a new language that the old jammers understand all! A chance otherwise it would be less fun.. :P otherwise despite his area of dictator that prevents you from speaking to protect our poor youth from the words they hear in a loop at school anyway.. The game is really good and has good potential.. It would have to be more activity for everyone.. Because Yes.. It has the discards of the classes in this game.. If your not members, your a ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ in the eyes of the members who pays.. And there's also a species of.. or racist also in this zootopia! the Artic wolves are the dominant species and you will understand it very quickly.. already they are often the ones who look for the "Chery" of the dangerous or the blonde in language Jammer screaming that he want one in the streets.. OK Wolf in heat?? But racism come in the holidays book! Book a specific species.. If you don't and you don't go home! Beautiful lesson taught children to the subjects of acceptance of the diversity of breeds! sarcasm Finally.. I still like to play.. But it would be better without its deffauts.. Anyway.. me time he banl me not to life, I will continue to play! :D to go.. Can we see this again at stake? My name at stake is Hikairu! :p the
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