APUSH War Simulator
UPDATE NOTES: The French and Indian War level now has the French indicators with a long beam on each French character so that it's easier to know where they're at. Also the WW1 Trench level has some UI text that tells you what to do.
This is a short war simulator designed specifically for APUSH. It starts with the French and Indian war and goes up to WW1 and then goes up to future wars and how they're going to be fought. It includes: French and Indian War, American Revolution, WW1, and a future war were you are a giant robot smashing down enemy insurgents' houses. There is no blood or graphical violence so it is safe for people of all ages to play. Gameplay is historically accurate only up to a certain point, but the information given is actually correct. To move it's the WASD or ARROW keys, to look around is the MOUSE, to use your weapons use the LEFT MOUSE button. To exit the game while in a level, either get out of the application with the WINDOWS keys or by hitting ALT + TAB to switch to another open application, then just go down and click the X button on the game.