Arcade World Tour

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Arcade World - 

Using VPS we aim to create an arcade playground around the world where players can rack up high scores and compete in cities for honour. 

Multiple arcade style games will line the streets and have the public competing against each other. We have create just one of thousands of mini games that could be placed using VPS!

Mini game 1 - Don't Let Doty Die!

Using Lightship VPS you are going to be scanning Doty and his environment before saving his life!

Some of this Organs have come loose and its your job to find and replace them. keep an eye on the clock you otherwise doty's spirit may leave his body!


- Multiplayer capability
- Use VPS as a global arcade concept:
- Different Doty’s at global VPS locations have different games attached to them with global and local scoreboards to drive player uptake.
- Art installation integration:
- Collaboration with street art projects such as “Cow Parade”, replacing Doty with 3D animal models painted by local artists.
- More organs!
- Angelic choir if Doty dies.
- On-screen information about organs to add educational function.
- Better UX & UI Don’t Let Doty Die is inspired by the physical game “Operation”.
- Additional game idea… Doty Buckaroo: Add items to Doty’s backpack. Overload him and he falls over. Closest to tipping point wins. or Doty’s bus is about to leave but everything falls off his backpack and have to be picked up and put back on before his bus departs.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 12, 2022

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