Arena (itch) (clay peterson)
HELLO GAMER! Are you ready to experience 20 levels packed full of action, adventure, romance, near death experiences and full on religious epiphanies? If so, you may be ready for ARENA!
WHAT IS ARENA??It's a game! A computer game, but it's also a moving painting!
What's that? Yes! Arena's graphics are hand painted!
WHAT'S IT ABOUT THEN?Arena is about fighting to exist as your magical self.
As you may know, for many ages, magic was banned in the land of Kazu. Our story begins when you are caught practicing magic in the wilds by a patrol of Kazu city guards. The king is disgusted by your magic and sentences you trial by combat. When you awake in your prison cell the next morning, you realize that you are about to engage in 20 levels full of action, adventure, romance, near death experiences and full on religious epiphanies. Your body is ready, you can feel the magic coursing through your finger tips, the question is gamer, are you ready?
STATE OF THE GAME!As of 4/20/2019 Arena entered the alpha testing phase.
On 6/2/2019 I released alpha version 0.5 which include leaderboards! I've had this game on private for a few months and now that leaderboards are in, I want as many people to test it as possible! :)