Player 1:
- WASD as punch directions.
- F left punch.
- G right punch.
Player 2:
- Arrow keys as punch directions.
- O left punch.
- P right punch.
Fighters move automatically.
Special punches:
Pressing (up + punch) will result in a straight punch.
Pressing (left+ left punch) or (right + right punch) will result in a hook.
1v1 - Play against a friend (or super intelligent pet)
Train - Practice against a dumb bot, you play with player 1 controls.
ARMS 64:
It sucks when you need to go all the way to the other side of the ring
to punch your opponent right in the face, so why not stretching a bit instead.
Fight against your opponent with some incredible elastic punches in ARMS 64, an action-packed boxing game.
This game was obviously inspired by Nintendo Arms, but after all the
development it ended being quite different and we only kept the name as a
tribute (and also because the music is cool).
The game has been developed by David Bigas, Ferran Pla and Albert Carrión.
We outsourced the following assets:
Music by Loeder ( .
The pixel font by Roberto Christen ( [email protected] ).
Sounds made with BFXR ( ) and from some weird royalty free web Ferran can't recall (sorry about this).
Everything else in the game and art has been developed in the Game Jam time by ourselves