ART:WAR retell

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A one-man attempt to break the rules of RPG maker.

-what does that mean?-

A randomized RPG for thinkers.

-wait, random?-

Hand-crafted maps and stories.

-those two don't go together.-

21 playable characters, each with their own tales to tell.

-but the random?-

Between 49 and 147 unique bosses to learn!

-i'm starting to...-

The world grows as your troupe does.

-like a leveling system?-

Test both mind and mettle in complex, puzzling dungeons.

-is this a puzzle game then?-

Guide a troupe of actors through the worst plays imaginable.

-are we still talking about the same thing?-

Deal with complex political intrigue.

-i doubt it.-

Deal with complex and indecipherable upgrade systems.

-that's more believable.-

7 tiers of threatening bad guys.

-that's not many, though?-

Of each of the 7 elemental affinities, of each of 7 types.

-for... 343 of them?-

Combined in tailored squads, designed to destroy your actors.

-is any of this actually random?-

The whole game is randomized.

-but what about all that above?-

Listen. Alright?

The entire game is generated from a World Seed - where each actor is, which boss monsters guard which treasures where throughout the world, which shops sell which items, et cetera. My design intent is to hand-craft the experience of each of these randomly generated quests for a truly engaging, serialized RPG with a lot of stories to tell.

Many of the tales that will be contained within, including the characters and resolutions, are based on my time as a dungeon master within this same world over the last 2 decades.

-but that isn't here yet, is it?-

No, not all of it. This is a demo I will be updating routinely until it accurately represents a vertical slice of the main product. At that point, I will go very very quiet for months as I grind out each of the tales to be contained within, buffing and polishing the story to go with the rest of this game.

The music and sound effects are still RTP assets, for cryin' out loud (a Sounds update will come before long, it's the current megaproject).

What does work, however, is the Seed randomizer, the fights, the puzzles included...

-so what can we do or play?-

Currently, 6* of the 21* hub cities have been added (see screenshots).

Currently, 49* of the 147* Boss Monster fights have been added.

All lower-tier enemy spawns have been added (a little over 2000 entries).

All 343 Legendary Items have been added.

Within each city, find a member of the troupe, explore the local shops, and even solve a monster problem. Connected to each city (for the demo) is your dinghy, the Great Martha II. Travel between the cities, try to collect each actor, and defeat the boss monsters for epic Legendary Loot items! Start a new game and enter a different World Seed number, and give it another go!

-so how much is this going to cost to play?-

Nothing right now! The demo (even after official launch) will be available with (eventually) all 21 hub cities for free as its own, tiny, standalone effort. After release, the price will be $19.99 base for the full game.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 28, 2022

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