Ascending Souls
Ascending Souls - 升魂 是一款类银河战士恶魔城的横版2D像素动作游戏。主角将在一个由“灵魂风”支配的奇幻世界不断战斗与探索,逐渐接近“人类”与“人偶”兴亡背后的秘密。在紧张刺激的快节奏战斗中,主角可以在多种武器中自由切换,也能利用超强的移动和跳跃能力在多种地形之间穿梭。
Ascending Souls is a Meteroid-vania 2D action game. The protagonist will engage in battles and exploration in a fantasy world ruled by the "Wind of Souls", gradually unraveling the mystery of the rise and fall of "humans" and "humanoids". In the thrilling and fast-paced combat, players can freely switch between a variety of weapons, and utilize their movement and jumping ability to traverse over levels with various terrains and challenges.