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"ay yo dis is sum ballin ass game son! just 2hard4school if you feel me"

"Who made this thing again!? Where do I punch them"

"How do you even??? :("

"KSHHHHhhhhhaaaaaaaa during the first banked turn through gateways is a tremendous feeling, sound in ears when Success Jump is exhilarating Dream Feeling. Played for too long."


The objective of the game is to get from the start up to the finish line as fast as possible.

The controls are relatively simple:

WASD to run
SPACE to jump
Mouse and QE to change what way you're facing
SHIFT for brakes (you'll never use those)
R to restart from the most recent checkpoint
T to restart from the start of the game

Here's where it gets a bit complicated: while you're in the air, WASD does absolutely nothing at all. The only thing that matters is the way you're facing - you'll automatically glide forwards whenever you're in the air. The trick is, you have more control over the glide the closer your aim is to the angle of the momentum you've got. If that didn't make any sense, just remember to take smooth long turns whenever you can - it's faster.

Something to take into consideration is that the runspeed is FAST. So fast, in fact, that you can run straight up walls. From a standstill, if you want. That being said, the way your legs work is that they don't really care in what direction you run in as long as you're touching something - basically, if you want to stay on a wall, you need to run "into" it a bit, otherwise you're likely to fall off. Not that you can't pretty easily glide back on at high speeds.

If it's still confusing, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]. I'm also on twitter with @sfdstrandberg if that's more your type of thing I guess.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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