Disclaimer: This project was created as a student project for an assessment! Some content was added, fixed or removed since submission. There may not be any updates after the itch release (unless something is really bothering people).
In AstroRun, your goal is to make it to your ship before time runs out! Avoid all the obstacles along the way and heal up in the lobby so you can outrun the remaining time safely. If you are up for a challenge, this game is for you, as it was nicknamed 'DarkSouls platformer' throughout its development. You must collect all data entries along the way to progress through the portal at the end of the level.
W -Jump
A/D - Move left/right
If you do complete it, I would like to know and just see how many people can, as a majority of my peers were unable to do so. Even though this project isn't in development anymore, I would appreciate any feedback and suggestions for future projects as I would be happy to take them in and put them into something cool! Thanks :)