Average Playtime: 2 hours

Astrox: Hostile Space Excavation

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Exiled to a deep space mining sector, you are left with a crappy ship, a laser, and a small mining beam. It is up to you to survive by working your way through galaxy. Mine asteroids, refine and trade their ore, buy upgrades for your ship, hunt pirates in the procedural star systems and you’ll have only scratched the surface. This all takes place in a lush 3d environment with full 3d camera control at all times. Akin to eve and homeworld, the intuitive interface provides everything you need, right where you need it. Engaging and casual all at the same time.

+ Completely customize your galaxies.
+ Secure the Galaxy, and continue playing in a brand new one.
+ Procedurally created star systems, connected by warp gates.
+ Mine, sell, or refine 7 unique asteroid types, with various attributes.
+ Trade Asteroids, Refined components, or Trade goods for profit.
+ Hunt down 15 different pirates, with officers and commanders in tow.
+ Eradicate pirate hideouts for fame and fortune.
+ All names and places are Generated.
+ 33 Unique ships, each with individual properties and attributes, and bonuses.
+ 144 Unique modules and items for your ships.
+ Generated Rare, Epic, and Artifact items.
+ Generated Missions. News, and Events.
+ 24 Trainable skills, with 100 levels each.
+ Craft unlimited upgrades with 24 unique recipes.
+ Achievements, Pilot Experience points, and Levels (no cap).
+ Explore Deadspace (The space between the Star Systems).
+ Protect NPC pilots, learn their secrets.
+ Original custom soundtrack, models, sprites, textures and particle effects.

Astrox Wikia - http://astrox.wikia.com/wiki/Astrox_Wiki
Astrox Forums - http://astrox.proboards.com/

Price: $10.00 , Runs on old crappy computers and laptops.
Release date
Jace Masula
Jace Masula
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Linux

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP+
  • Processor: 1.00 Ghz
  • Memory: 200 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Everything made since 2004 should work.
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • OS: Windows 7+
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Astrox: Hostile Space Excavation reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Great alternative to eve have found the game randomly here on team and I'm impressed .. Running flawlessly on my old laptop difficulty you can set after you want to set in seconds downloaded about 170mb top prize you can set yourself goals as you win the game you can completely freely decide in which direction you go whether mining Trade head-money hunter long game motivation the environment is beautifully designed with matching background music absolute buy recommendation
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A really good Game. You take off with a small Spaceship, in a galaxy far away. There is little Civilization there, and most are Pirates. Now you get helpful Tips from an Initiate. So you start with your little Mining Laser and mine Astorides, of which there are some different ones. These Materials can then be sold either for Credits, or Disassemble and Improve your Mining Laser. If you decide on the Credits, after some Time you buy another helpful Laser to dismantle faster, or even a new Ship. There are enough ships in this Game, and can also be created yourself. If the Mining of Astorides is too boring, you go on the Pirates and kill everything that stands in your Way. But You can also inspect the beautiful Star Cards and pass the Time with the Trading of Goods. The Game is a One-man company, but looks a lot better than other games that were created in a timely manner. The different Game Mechanics go very well together. All in all, a nice Game that offers you entertainment for several Hours, especially through the different game, and Difficulty Modes. If you want to take a closer look at the Game, you can check out my Youtube Channel.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Hello, first of all, comparing this Game with EVE Online seems to me to be very much exaggerated Personally, because apart from the Controls and the Interface, I don't see any big Similarities. Secondly, I have read that the Developer has "allegedly" dropped out and is no Longer working on this Game, well not a miracle, because in my Opinion it is also finished, because what it is supposed to do works could not be Bugs or similar Detecting. The Basic Idea of the Game is quite simple, one selects at the Beginning of the Round how many System this Round should consist of, these are then "worked" according to the same Pattern you jump into the System, complete all The pirates, then spawned the Pirate boss, this If you want, you can still have a Bische Minern, otherwise you dock to the Station (at least one in each System) sell your Stuff, upgrade your Ship or alternatively buy a new one at the Station and then jump to the next Sector. In General, I have to say, it has the Charm of a well-made mobile Game, who expects a tefely story or complex Game Elements here should not buy this Game. If you're looking for some shallow Entertainment And enjoy Space games that are a bit quieter and not arcarde-heavy, this is the place to be. Generally Nothing really impressive, but a solid Game.
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