At the Mountains of Madness reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Hello here my Review about Mountains of Madness As I said, this is my Early Beta Impression. I have read the Book The Mountains of Madness this includes 200 pages so no woodhouse. The environment in the game looks great, but it is still very bare and extremely short. You get into the game what's ca in the book on page 70 (Lake sets off to his camp at the Foot of the Mountain) I played zb for 30 min and was already at Chapter 5:D But now good. First of all, all those who are not interested in HP Lovecraft are first of all fingers away from it to everyone else who can deal with HP Lovecraft And like to wait and see because that still takes you to have a lot of Potential. Pro + Beautiful Environment + potential for so much + Hypothermia, Endurance, life display Kontra-In the Book, the Scientists and mechanics etc are on the road there for months and in the game kommts over like 3 Days-I play in English because in German with the Help of a cheap Translators has been translated zb My Drill turn off now no Time Dr Lake is fast to Plane/so ^^-Later entered the Game compared to the Book (wtf where is the Icebreaker Arkam or the 5 Planes etc)-No Info, No Story one runs through as at n em Walking Simulator-There are chapters but what for? One is in the Cave closes a Quest?? Or so from the night with a wink you are back in the Camp and all of them are suddenly gone, why you only experience this in the Book. -I think there is more Focus on the Graphics than on the Story the Hammer is normally +/Any lot of graphics glitches and Bugs but now good it's Early What would I wish for the €20 for such a Game is already slightly salted-stroy from The mountains of Madness by anbeg In or From the Ship-to find Books, Pieces of paper, Diaries with information so proved is customary with a game of this Kind one wants to learn the story and read Info together etc-Nen simple Hud with the ads and a journal to see what is next-Nen Tagebu Ch/Notepad as usual in the Games-There is virtually no Cutscenes and the Programmers have no time rendering Sequences to make it would be enough for me to have illustrated sequences just to better enjoy the story ^^ Evtl the developers should read the Book. A lot of it just doesn't fit the game plays like I'm reading the book only all 10 pages of one page and skipping 10 again There would be as much Potential as mini Quests Rätzel Lab use as well as testing the Drill core Autopsy at Ancient One etc and I hope it will be that way w I'm looking for an HP Lovecraft Game ala Call of Cthulhu; Dark Corners of the Earth Buy Recommendation Jein Comes On Interest in