Average Playtime: 3 hours

Atomic Reconstruction

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Atomic Reconstruction is a atmospheric Puzzle game, where you have to use the power of fusion and fission to create and modify specific atoms or groups of atoms.

Combine and split atoms on varying playgrounds by mass and work your way up to the desired Atom, the fewer steps you need, the better.

  • Experience 33 unique challenges in the atmospheric world of chemistry.
  • Compare your skill with other players on the online highscore.
Release date
Teawork Dev
Teawork Dev
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • Processor: 1,8GHz
  • Memory: 500 MB RAM
  • Storage: 100 MB available space
  • OS: XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • Processor: 2GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 100 MB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • Processor: 1,8GHz
  • Memory: 500 MB RAM
  • Storage: 100 MB available space
  • Processor: 2GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 100 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Atomic Reconstruction reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
And so let's take a look at this game in more detail, before us an unusual indie puzzle project, the main difference is that from all the rest of this connection with chemistry (recalled the glorious game SpaceChen), but unfortunately chemistry here is nothing but more math that with one Side and saddens, but on the other hand and pleases. In The game we have 33 level and believe You have to spend enough time to pass each of them. And So what is the essence of the game, we need to work with the atomic masses of elements. But to put You in an awkward offer, the workspace we are given not so much and inability to add all the items in succession, but only certain. And Yes, the game has a table of records, but... To get into it, will have to carefully and very carefully do the movement, because the game all takes into account, all Your mistakes, all that will affect the passage. In The game nice music, well, about the graphics, here it is necessary to say that we have a strict and minimalist style, which does not repel the opposite, and attracts. There Are of course and the downside of the game unfortunately, there are also small flaws, for example, after passing each level, will have to re-enter the menu and select the level manually, automatic transition does not occur and the game is not full-screen mode, which also adds some inconvenience and the game does not have the Russian language. If We summarize, we have a fairly good game, which is very unusual and exciting. In The game there are collectible cards, achievements and table of records, as the game will go on weak computers, for which it should add a couple of points.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free "Atomic Reconstruction" Mathematical puzzle. Collect the atoms of chemical elements. In the game 33 level puzzles. At each we have to collect an atom of a certain chemical element. We will not Collect it by formulas, not by chemical or physical reactions. Here we simply fold and divide the numbers of relative atomic masses to get the atomic mass of the desired element. The Mechanics of the game allows you to divide and connect atoms, but the division is purely mathematical, has nothing to do with chemistry and realism. We just operate on atomic masses. To complicate the task of compiling the desired amount, we limit the space of the field and do not allow to add any elements to each other. If There are no free cells next to the atom, you will not be allowed to decompose it into parts, and the elements facing far apart will have to move closer to connect. In this case, any of your action game takes into account, and every step in solving the puzzle distance you from the perfect passage and deprives the opportunity to get into the leaderboard. It is Possible to add weights of identical elements or those which are laid in rules of game (on each atom it is possible to highlight the information with what elements it allow to connect). In this case, we get a new element that has a mass corresponding to the sum received in the table. An Unusual and addictive puzzle game, but I reckoned that there would be a whiter realistic connection with chemistry, and then only math problems. Besides the table of elements and some restrictions on fusion of pairs of atoms, there is no connection with chemistry in the game! Of the minuses worth mentioning the lack of full-screen mode, buttons "Restart" and "Undo". In Addition, annoying intrusive offer to enroll in the table after passing each level, and all the time to go to the main menu to run the next puzzle. Levels are unlocked as you progress, but the game does not automatically translate to the next stage. You Have to manually select a new level from the list each time. The Review was written for group Reviews Online. You can Read other reviews here.
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