Bad Monday Simulator
Undergarf is where the characters of Garfield and Undertale combine. It's a carefree place, free of war and strife. Free of mondays! You play as Nermal, who stumbles upon this world and challenges Sansfield, the fusion of Sans and Garfield, to the ultimate duel.
Bad Monday Simulator has it's own category on Twitch! Also:
monD monKEKW monPray monRIP monS
monTalk monLaugh monZZZ monSadge monLasagna
Bad Monday Simulator is drawn by myself, Lumpy.
programmed by Spasco
and has music by Polarial
Inspired by the works of Toby Fox
Inspired by the works of the immaculate Jim Davis.
Additional music used:
【無料フリーBGM】パイプオルガンの明るく荘厳な曲「Pray Organ3」
- FAQ: I'm not hearing any music! How can I fix it? A: Try reopening your web browser.
- FAQ: Will the soundtrack be releasing? A: YES. It'll be on YouTube soon.
- FAQ: How many endings are there? A: 6. 2 for Normal Mode. 2 for Hard Mode. 2 for Monday Mode.
- FAQ: Monday Mode seems impossible. A: That's not a question. And yea, it is. I can't beat the game on Monday, that's for sure.
- TIP: Praying sometimes summons a rare Pasta Fairy! Try doing some PRAYS early, and if you're lucky, maybe you can stockpile some healing items!
- TIP: Sansfield inflicts poison/karma damage when he hits you. This is displayed as purple health and slowly ticks down. Items cure poison/karma and THEN heal you! So healing quickly means you can recover more hp!
- TIP: When Sansfield is sleeping, he prefers to not be disturbed.
Feel free to use this artwork from the game for YouTube Thumbnails/articles, etc.