Genre: JRPG, moe
Haruka is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl who lives her usual carefree life. One of the wonderful days when studying is in full swing, she usually keeps her way to school. But, our main heroine will not be able to not get into this day, because she meets the most real sorceress! And she, in turn, brings poor Haruka to the magical fantasy world! And everything would be fine, but in this world there are a lot of ferocious monsters, and to return home she will have to defeat them.
- You play as a Japanese schoolgirl
- A choice: blonde or brunette
- You have the opportunity to visit the fantasy world!
- Help Haruka to return to her home world.
Haruka is an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl who lives her usual carefree life. One of the wonderful days when studying is in full swing, she usually keeps her way to school. But, our main heroine will not be able to not get into this day, because she meets the most real sorceress! And she, in turn, brings poor Haruka to the magical fantasy world! And everything would be fine, but in this world there are a lot of ferocious monsters, and to return home she will have to defeat them.
- You play as a Japanese schoolgirl
- A choice: blonde or brunette
- You have the opportunity to visit the fantasy world!
- Help Haruka to return to her home world.
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows XP\Vista\7\8\10
- Processor: 1.2GHz
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX® 9 Compatible Graphics Card
- Storage: 250 MB available space