BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm

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Sign on to the Internet – a vast, full-immersion virtual world. Here, users live their ideal lives, willfully blind to the fragile structure of their reality…

Catie's days are carefree, spent leading a small forum in a quiet corner of the Web. But when a mysterious firewall begins consuming the northern wilderness, the Internet's leaders are called together to assess the threat. Soon, Catie will find herself plunged into the thick of a wild adventure, alongside a group of unlikely new allies. Together, they must reassemble the code of an ancient hacking tool, while being pursued by a mysterious new enemy, and the unrelenting shadows of the past...

A vast, virtual land to explore - See the Internet in a way you've never imagined it before – as an immersive fantasy world! Each town and dungeon is based on a site you may be familiar with, and they’re all just bursting with their own unique flavor!

A rich, 30+ hour story - Meet vibrant new characters, and join them on a quest filled with both humor and heart. Who knows, maybe you'll even find a few unexpected plot twists along the way? And when you’re done, there’s a very extensive postgame to explore, too!

Tons of customization – Style up your party members with unique accessories! These baubles are hidden everywhere, and they all have unique and unpredictable effects. From a tiny ghost that turns you intangible, to a compass that seeks out hidden treasure. There’s something fun to wear for just about everyone!

So many Paper Mario references - Maybe even too many? The Paper Mario series, and especially TTYD, was a huge inspiration to us. How many shout-outs can YOU find?

Plenty of replayability - This game is jam-packed with secrets; you’ll never be able to find them all during your first trip through! Luckily, a certain postgame area can give you hints to find the things you missed.

Exclusive Boxxy content – If you’re a fan of Catie’s classic videos, then you may be in luck, because this game has a very special Easter Egg for you to find!

The perfect pie recipe? - Will you learn how to make a truly fabulous dessert? Maybe not, but you'll never know for sure unless you play!

The Shrimp – Concept, writing, map design, sprite artwork, programming
Catie Wayne – Concept, writing, narration voiceover
Sightshade – Writing, editing, map design, “special secret flair”
SeltiSnow – Sprite artwork, testing
Intangibility Drive – Misc. artwork
Tang – Writing, positivity enforcement
Shai – Testing and debug
Polish Vodka – Testing and debug
KK20 - Debug

Custom scripts by: Blizzard, Tigerseye, ForeverZer0, Kelessdee, Ccoa, DerVVulfman, Lambchops, RM-RF, Moghunter, Modern Algebra, Leon, MGCaladtogel, Corbaque, XRXS, Gameface, Gabriel Winchester, Trickster, Cogwheel, KK20, Nathmatt, Xelias, Seriel, Uncle Lanzer, Gerkat, Game_Guy, Chaucer, Heretic, Zecomeia, Kotfire, Asfz Kakarotto, Mad.Array, Koen Lemmen, and A-Moonless-Night.

Full art and music credits can be found in the game itself!
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32-bit/64-bit)
  • Processor: 800MHz equivalent or higher processor
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 1024 x 768 pixels or higher desktop resolution
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card
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Last Modified: Apr 17, 2020

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