Average Playtime: 5 hours

Mugen Souls

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Mugen Souls features a free-roaming battle map, turn-based combat, and massive amounts of customization and growth to maximize the fun players can have with the game.

Expansive worlds to explore: Travel freely on each world to explore and find treasures and items. Monsters are roaming about, so be cautious, or fight them head-on and make them your subservient peons!

Free-roaming style battle maps: Use Combo attacks to execute spectacular moves with your allies! Destroy Crystals on the battlefield to activate Hyper mode!

Moe Kill: Execute the Moe Kill technique to enslave enemies and turn them into items by exploiting their weaknesses!

Customization: Create a full cast of characters! Customizable body parts, facial expressions, and job classes!

Duel in Dual Audio: Experience the game in either Japanese or English audio.

PC Upgrades: Featuring full mouse and keyboard support, gamepad support, Steam achievements, User Interface and major graphical enhancements!

The game also includes the following free DLC:

7 World Redux Additional Battle 1
So you cleared the game at the lowest recommended level, huh?
Why not take on some challenging battles via 7 World Redux!?
If you can beat these, then you have nothing to fear in the Mugen Field!

*7 World Redux must be unlocked in order to access this DLC.

7 World Redux Additional Battle 2
You might need to do some grinding for this one!
An incredibly difficult battle has been added to 7 World Redux!
If you walk into this one unprepared, you will die!
This is for those of you with confidence!

*7 World Redux must be unlocked in order to access this DLC.

7 World Redux Additional Battle 3
You might need to do some grinding for this one!
An incredibly difficult battle has been added to 7 World Redux!
If you walk into this one unprepared, you will die!
This is for those with confidence!

*7 World Redux must be unlocked in order to access this DLC.
*This DLC will become available when Chou-Chou's Charm Level has reached a certain level.

Conspicuous Coordination Set
Here is a set of equippable items!
Become a fashionista! Use these items and have your characters strut the catwalk!

Flashy Coordination
Here is a set of equippable items!
Train one at a time or many at once! Create a party that is unique to you!

G Up Pack 1
I want to upgrade my items, but I just don’t have the points…
Here is a present just for you with the points that are necessary to upgrade items, G Up!

G Up Pack 2
I want to upgrade my items, but I just don’t have the points…
Here is a present just for you with the points that are necessary to upgrade items, G Up!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 1
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 2
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 3
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 4
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 5
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 6
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 7
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 8
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 9
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 10
Thank you for using the Jiggly Transmission!
Here is a set of equippable items that will aid you on your adventure!
This time, please find: gloves, a spear, a scythe, Dual Long and Short Blades and defense items!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 11
Here is a set of items that will aid you on your adventure!
You'll find a sword, a staff, a gun, a bazooka, knuckles, and defensive items!
These are incredibly strong, so use them well!

Jiggly Transmission and Equipment Pack 12
Here is a set of items that will aid you on your adventure!
You'll find some gloves, a spear, a scythe, dual long and short blades, and defensive items!
These are incredibly strong, so use them well!

Overwhelming Recipe Set
The strongest weapons in the galaxy!
Here is the overwhelmingly destructive weapon recipe set!

*This DLC content overlaps with the Overwhelming Recipe and Item Set, so please be aware of that.
*We recommend choosing only one, based on if you'd like to have the recipes only, or the items as well.

Overwhelming Selfina Set
This is the Selfina avatar set.
Use them all together or mix and match!
Please enjoy many overwhelming combinations!

Palpitation Coordination
Here is a set of equippable items!
Let's make some cute girls and some cool boys! Use these items to further customize your party!

Point Pack 1
I just can't seem to get enough points…
For those of you who feel this way, here is a currency boost containing G and a character strengthening boost containing Mugen Points.

Point Pack 2
I just can't seem to get enough points…
For those of you who feel this way, here is a currency boost containing G and a character strengthening boost containing Mugen Points.

Selfina Voice Addition (JP)
You can now use Selfina's voice! (JP Audio Only)
Please use this with the Overwhelming Selfina Set!

Sparkly Coordination
Here is a set of equippable items!
Control peons that you yourself have customized!

Undisputed God Prudence Pack 1
This a set of usable items for all you beginner ultimate gods out there!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.

Undisputed God Prudence Pack 2
This a set of usable items for all you mid-level ultimate gods out there!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.

Undisputed God Prudence Pack 3
This a set of usable items for all you high level ultimate gods out there!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.

Undisputed God Prudence Pack 4
This a set of usable items for all you ultimate gods out there who are approaching true divinity!
The set includes, healing, revival and hot spring use items.
Release date
NIS America
Idea Factory
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: 2.13GHz Intel Core2 Duo or equivalent
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with 512Mb RAM and support for v3 shaders
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
  • OS: Windows 7 or later
  • Processor: 3GHz Intel i3 or equivalent
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with 1GB RAM and support for v3 shaders
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Apr 28, 2023

Where to buy

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Sexualized Women
2026 games
142 cakes
Anime random stuff
146 games
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Mugen Souls (PS3) Review
Nov 10, 2012
Mugen Souls Hands On Gameplay (English Version)
Aug 20, 2012
Admiral Vic
Mugen Souls - Announcement Trailer
Mar 30, 2012
Mugen Souls Gameplay PC HD [60FPS/1080p]
Oct 22, 2015
Mugen Souls: Overwhelming Battles Trailer
Sep 12, 2012
Mugen Souls Gameplay Trailer (PS3)
Mar 31, 2012
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151,228 items
10,000,000 Damage!
Dealt 10,000,000 points of damage.
Mugen Field: 50th Floor
Reached the 50th floor of the Mugen Field.
1,000,000 Damage!
Dealt 1,000,000 points of damage.
Air Superiority!
Destroyed an object in the air.
100,000 Damage!
Dealt 100,000 points of damage.
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32 items
The hell happened there...?
Tsundere Mousy's JuneRPG !Giveaway Marathon! 19 days , 19 JRPGs! Win up to $145 worth of games!
Mugen Souls - Diefied Vorgis Normal
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51 items

Mugen Souls reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I have to stand I love the Games of Idea Factory Simply, Whether it's the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, Fairy Fencer F or Even jetz Mugen Souls's are PS3 or PSVita ports well who knows evtl gets Yet Omega Quintet to the pc. But first of all to Mugen Souls. Anyone who ever wants to travel with Loli Characters Druch the Galaxy gets to see great "link" attacks like Spaceship or rather looking for Disappearing Airships fight, you should definitely hit. Like all games from Idea Factory I have played until now also the Record of Agarest War Series, the games are too easy, obwol I have not fetched the overpowered dlc weapons I have some dlc I can rule quite the genger with my money slain So with it the simple game becomes even easier. Still, the gags are good as sharing in the Hyperdimension Neptunia. But you have to like that japano Humor. For censorship I say only so much; I still have the Japanese original here for ps3 and can not vestehn this rum, we have an arder Culture in the West, especially in the area Loli with true from the front Pure clear that the ding has been taken to us. No one darker of the world has a desire to have his Game put on the index.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
There are currently 2 Opinions in me about Mugen Souls, a Negative, because the Game in US/EU is very much censored-Even important Elements have been removed from the Game, as e.g. A Mini-game. But even with Zenzur, the Game is edible, especially for those who don't know what the JPN Version is like. Story [8/10] You play Chou-Chou, you don't know exactly what she really is, but she calls herself a God and wants to conquer the whole Universe. How? Quite simply by making everyone their Servant ... During the Conquest, you'll encounter several entertaining Characters that cause some funny Moments or another. In addition, the Game does not take itself seriously once during the complete Storyline. It also pokes fun at Game Clichés. For example, that Heroes have to destroy Vases and go into every House and browse Stuff-The Legend of Zelda innuendo Gameplay [7/10] The Gameplay is very entry level. You have to read and try a lot before you can really enjoy the Game, but you belong to a JRPG. It is easy to get new Fighters by creating new Subjects on the Ship. So Class, Name and Exterior is changeable. There are more than enough Items to change the Look for each Player to assemble their own Team. The Combat System is turn-based (as you are used to by Compile Heart eig.) and a Mixture of Billiards, normal RPG and Dating Sis. (I don't elaborate on it because a lot of it belongs to the Story and would therefore be a Spoiler. Graphic [4/10] Well, how to expect this FROM a 2012 JRPG for the PS3, this doesn't have such good Graphics. Characters are very detailed, Environment seems to me to be from 2005 and the Effects don't look quite as topical for the current Year. But Graphics don't matter much In JRPGs, the most important thing is the Story and after that comes mostly the Gameplay. Sound [8/10] Some will be very happy now. There is the Possibility to put the Language in Japanese. (By that I just Mean the Audio!) The Effects sound pretty good, fit the Scenario. The BGM (Backing Music) is filled with a lot of Humor and never gets boring. The English Setting is pleasant, but I recommend (personal Opinion) the Japanese setting. Japanese May not be able to act, but when it comes to Just verting, the Top is. So, on the whole, a good Game. It's worth it when you're on JRPGs with a non-serious Story.
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