Bakery Bash
PLEASE NOTE - This game is very, very incomplete! We were shooting for online multiplayer, and while that is still in our plans, it wasn't ready for this build. The best way to run the game right now is to open two instances of the game, set one to host, and have the other connect as a client to localhost. In theory, this should also work over LAN by having the client connect to the host's local IP, but that depends on your specific network settings. Future versions of the game will ideally work online in full through Steam.
CONTROLS (choose option in main menu)
WASD - WASD to move camera, Space to zoom out
Mouse - click on empty spaces to move camera, Space to zoom out
Choose three characters to reap the rewards of their unique kitchen gear.
Attack towers from the top or bottom to reach and destroy the opponent's oven
Gather the 5 ingredients from the center and place them in the input to bake recipes that buff your characters
Kill any enemies that stand in your path