Beacon (itch) (Studio Haiku)
Created for the 2021 College Game Jam.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a known error with the light fuser block in the 3rd level! This will cause the game (maybe even your computer) to lag. Unfortunately, the third puzzle is unsolvable due to this bug. We're sorry about the issue!
Update: The bug is solved!- but submissions have since closed an hour ago. For a little background, basically the direction vector and start position of the laser needed to compensate for the rotation of the body it is on. After the judging period ends, we will be quick to upload the new version :).
Character Controls
Movement: 'W', 'A', 'S', 'D'
Interaction: 'E', 'space', or 'enter'
Puzzle Controls
Rotate element: left/right arrow keys
Open mirrors: up/down arrow keys
- If you don't know what to do, go to the top floor and read the display
- To recreate a signal, direct the correct color beam to the laser receptacle at the top of the board
Our Vision
It started from talking about that moment from the Lord of the Rings movies where the protagonists light the bonfire at the top of the city- and you watch as the far off mountainside camps light their fires to repeat the signal . That feeling of making a symbolic connection while being one small part of whole was what we wanted to capture in our game. This was translated into our 'after-humans' world where relics of their communications systems, the "beacons", were left decaying with their robot operators idle. That is until, a beacon recognizes a signal in the distance and reactivates to relay this mysterious message across the remaining towers...
Dev notes
We really wish we could have added more before the deadline, but we are nevertheless fairly pleased with this ambitious idea. We intended to add so much more story and nuance, but that will have to wait until after the jam (as is usually the case). By far, this game took the most effort compared to all of our 1-week projects to this point. Please enjoy and let us know what you think!
Code/Puzzle Design: Kyle Lim (De Anza College)
Art/Sound Design: Zachary Delgros (De Anza College)
CC0 Sound Effects:
Parallax Title Background: