Average Playtime: 5 hours

Beekyr Reloaded

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Beekyr Reloaded is an unique Bee'em up game (or shoot'em up with bees). The game breaks molds moving away from the typical shmup game, avoiding the space theme mixing vertical and horizontal scrolling stages with very varied game mechanics. Each stage is very different from the previous stage: one level we could be fighting scorpions, another defending the hive collecting pollen, dodging birds, raiding caves behind waterfalls protected by angry fish or we could be escaping from the wasp-hive after just killing the queen.

Beekyr Reloaded has 28 levels across 4 colorful worlds, going darker with every stage. First levels, full of colour, display naivety and happiness. The later, dark with cold fog and evil creatures lurking between plants full of spikes.

  • Mold-breaking theme: Shmup based in world of insects
  • 3 different endings
  • 16 special enemy bosses to fight
  • Secret playable characters
  • Secret unlockable stages
  • Enormous re-playability (: 4 different stage combinations that might offer more or less levels (from 18 to 28 stages) depending on some game events and difficulty mode
  • Designed for all types of players. From the average to the most hardcore player with several game modes: Novice, Arcade, Expert, Bullet Hell and Elite
  • 4 beautiful very different worlds
  • Powerups, beebombs and bee-swarm attack!
  • Full Steam and Xbox 360 controller support, with analog or digital controls
  • Achievements
  • Online scoreboards (Available after Early Access)
  • Retro shmup style fun gameplay
  • Amazing soundtrack

.Gameplay types
  • Horizontal and Vertical stages with varying gameplay style:
    • Exploration levels
    • Enemy hive levels
    • Bonus levels
    • Hive Escape levels
    • Dodging levels
    • Pollen collection levels

    Game Modes
    • Novice: (19 Stages)
      Learn how to play a shoot'em up game (a.k.a shmup) and get ready for the real action.
    • Arcade: (25 Stages)
      Play the game at its original difficulty designed to have you playing for hours to reach a total completed game.
    • Bullet hell: (28 Stages)
      Play the game similar to a bullet hell game, plus some extra levels.
    • Expert: (28 Stages)
      Play the game harder and with some extra levels.
    • Elite: (18 Stages)
      Play the game even harder, beat the game and receive at home a reward from Kaleidogames if you are one of the first few to accomplish it.

Release date
Akaoni Studio
KaleidoGames, Akaoni Studio
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Dual Core @ 2.4GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: ATI 7540HD
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 250 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

Where to buy

Nintendo Store

Top contributors


1 edit
Complete any level (from world 2) with accuracy 50%
Kill the brown wasp queen.
Kill the praying mantis.
Unlock secret world
Kill the yellow wasp queen.
view all achievements
41 items

Beekyr Reloaded reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Resuming the game Apidya, or sequel, Apidya was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful shoot-them-up of his generation. Released on Amiga, I had the opportunity to play there and the videos on the Internet do not give thanks to this game that was, on a cathode ray tube (CRT) of a beauty and fluidity exemplary. Kaleido proposes to dust a game that had its time of glory more than 25 years ago, only on Commodore Amiga in a context of placing weapons between 8/16-bit computers and individual computers (now called by the acronym English PC ), a sign of the end of time or a new playful era, Apidya was thus unlucky to have existed only on a machine, which limited its aura to the sphere of the owners of Amiga. Kaleido has retained the 2D, style that will never age because reminiscent of comics and cartoons, in order to provide us with a very good shoot them up, away from the latest precoous productions with strong graphical effects sometimes poorly arranged, and a difficulty uneven when it is not the type of the purists that is the "meatballs" shoot (imaged translation of bullet, which means a multitude of shots on the screen, inviting the player to another game system: that of the choreography). The game alternates the phases in horizontal and vertical scrolling or single-screen phases. In short, the 25 years of the original game were celebrated worthily by Kaleido with Beekyr. Revolucion, no, place, Yes! obligatoria descargo!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
As a fairly successful Indie Developer (Dead Age, Grotesque Tactics, Holy Avatar), I like to play other Indie games, as many small Indie pearls go down in the big Game flood of Steam. Game is bought by itself. Beekyr Reloaded first of All reminds you of Apidya on the Amiga and you can even unlock the Character. Other similar Games come to mind R-Type or Gradius. Beekyr Reloaded is interesting partly because there was a Predecessor title for Mobile: http://www.kaleidogames.com/beekyr-eco-shootem-up/But the graphic was completely retreaded. Graphic is pretty to look at and offers many Details. From Indie point of View quite elaborate, the Storm Level has become a great Highlight with the many flying and blowing Leaves. The Game is also quite a bit for the whole Family because the Degree of Difficulty at the Beginning is relatively easy to celebrate some Experiences of Success, but later will also be more difficult. The High Score once has the Incentive of the international Leader board to climb Ranks but also to get Extra Lives. The Levels are surprisingly varied, there is also a Vertical Shooter Section and there are also many small Surprises. Great Are the Opponent Formations made, there are many creative Ideas also in Terms Of Boss opponents. Beekyr Reloaded definitely deserves more Attention and is one of the better Shoot em ups on Steam. Unfortunately, the Market For Shoot Em Ups is quite small. You don't want to know what the Sales Of such Games are ... It's a pity, so anyone who Fancies such Games is accessing.
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