Big Guns: The Clickening

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How To Play:

Click the Trigger until you earn enough money to buy some guns! There are 7 guns in total, scroll to see more.


Welcome New Employee (INSERT EMPLOYEE HERE) to W. E. P. - Weapon Effectiveness Provers. 

What do we do here? Well we shoot a log of big guns of course! You get payed for every round you fire, Use that money to buy bigger guns and make even more money! If you're good enough you may even get to test our most secret weapon...

I came up with the idea for doing a Clicker game for the Tri Jam #137 with the theme being Big Guns. I have kind of wanted to make a clicker for awhile just to see how quickly I could do it so I decided this was a good time. I'm not a big fan of clickers but I find it quite interesting how addictive something so simple can be. Overall I am pretty happy with the result considering the I used Unity, which I have almost no experience with, and well only had 3 hours lol. 

The only asset I didn't make was the Font called 'Bebas Neue' which I got on dafont.

Also the original version I uploaded before the jam date ended would never load so I ended up reuploading it after. The issue was that when I zipped the project I didn't select 'absolute paths' which sounds par for the course of uploading at 4am lol. I didn't change anything about the game just the building and zipping settings.

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Big Guns: The Clickening screenshot, image №3037278 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 24, 2021

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