Bill Hunter

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Bill Hunter

"Bill Hunter" is an entry for the Ludum Dare 44 game jam.

Short Description

"Bill Hunter" is an attention-requiring puzzle game where you play as a hitman called Bill Hunter. You work for a big organization that has a long history of money printing with a small twist to it. Your money is made of real presidents that become the figureheads once the procedure is done. It's your job to deliver those presidents and print this special money.

Short Gameplay

In "Bill Hunter" you can play 3 missions, each on a different difficulty level. In each mission, you are given a list of targets and see how they look like in the upper right corner of the screen. The targets are random mash-ups of features from multiple presidents and look different every time you play the level. The targets are somewhere inside a crowd of people. For some reason, everyone in this crowd looks almost exactly as the targets you are looking for. Differences may only lie in a single feature like outfit, hair, face, beard or accessories. Who knows... maybe there is some kind of presidential cosplay event around.

Once you found a target and are certain of them being the real one, you can kidnap them. However, be careful of other people seeing you. If a person witnesses your act, they will flee from the area and escape. If you don't watch out, another one of your targets might escape before you even have the chance of encountering them.

If all targets are either kidnapped or did escape, or the time limit is reached, you will return to your organization, and do what your organization has practiced for over dozens of centuries now.


Information about controls is accessible from the game's menu.

Technical Details

* The game was made in Unity 2D
* All sounds and graphics were made by ourselves

Release date
Andreas Roschal
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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