Billie Eternal and the Jetcats in... Escape from the Black Hole!
Billie Eternal and the Jetcats in... Escape from the Black Hole! is a video game/album from Sydney surf rock band Billie Eternal. It's a remix of the classics from the 80s and 90s, from Commander Keen and Raptor: Call of the Shadows to California Surf and Donkey Kong.
When black hole monsters come to suck the light out of the Earth's kids, little Billie Blazer knows what he has to do! Blow those mothermonsters up with the only way he knows how - blast off into space on a wild adventure to find himself a shit hot rock 'n' roll band.
Relentlessly fun with a bumping soundtrack to boot, come save the world with Billie and jam along to some hot new rock 'n' roll bangers from Down Under.