Black Blizzard (Jammmz)
You take the role of a special operator tasked with shutting down an experiment when everything goes awry.
Remember to conserve your ammo - The current build of the game is a bit difficult!
To throw chemlight use your scroll wheel to select it and then press LMB - You can then pick it up again by looking at it and pressing "E" - the current build is missing a UI for picking up!
Texture work - Jammmz
Level Design - Jammmz
Sound Design - Jake Gamelin
Programming - &
Writing - Jammmz, Joxev
The Voices Of :
Skyhawk - Grant Plaster
Mutants - Grant Plaster
Scientist 1 - Jake Gamelin
Scientist 2 - Jake Gamelin
Special thanks to the following people for providing us with royalty-free assets:
dwebbx - Unity Asset Store