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Deadhunt is a first-person arcade shooter (FPS) game that merges the best features of arcade and FPS action games with fresh ideas and new twists.
An addictive 3D-shooter game where you consistently develop your character by killing endless monsters and getting bonuses. Stay as long as possible on fighting pits against hordes of zombies and skeletons.
- Non-stop adrenaline-pumping gameplay
- 4 episodes with total of 40 missions
- Two additional modes: Survival and Greed
- Armed combat against multiple enemies
- Three classes of monsters with 50 kinds of weapons
- Unique system of monster destruction
- Seven varieties of weapons plus grenades
- 10 runes and 37 bonuses, including Slowdown, Double Damage, Nuke
- Remote picking of bonuses, runes and weapons
- 10 varieties of monsters' armor
- 15 original soundtracks
- Four difficulty levels

The game was released in 2005.

Release date
REL Games
REL Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • Processor: Pentium III 800 MHz processor or better
  • Memory: 256 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX-compatible video card with 32MB video memory
  • Storage: 60 MB available space
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Last Modified: Oct 2, 2024

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Deadhunt reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Russian
Deadhunt is an arcade first-person shooter designed by REL Games in the distant 2005. The game was Recently released on Steam, passing Greenlight. Now you can buy it for a modest fee of 129 rubles. Immediately say that the game is completely identical to the original, released a long time ago, meaning that it is not a remake or a remastered. The Gameplay is similar to the giants of the industry as Serious Sam and Painkiller, and in some moments it is noticeably more interesting and cheerful. Especially in terms of firing and model damage. All weapons in the game have a very high-quality (at the time of release) shooting formula and very well felt. That is, the shoot is not bored, unlike the same Serious Sam 2. The Second giant plus game is an amazing model of damage: Almost every your hit on the enemy will have consequences for the latter. The zombies will fly away hands, part of the head, pieces of armor, if any, and so on. I am very pleased serious the approach of developers to the physics of interaction between players and opponents. Shoot the weapon in the hand of zombies-it will get new. Decide to shoot him right or left hand, in which he carries a sword or a pub-not a problem, he uses the rest of his hand to carry weapons. Shooting Zombies and other evil can delight the player for a long time, but taking into account that the player will take breaks between levels. The game has three modes: campaign, survival and scenarios. In Fact, they are no different, except for the conditions of completion and opponents. The Campaign consists of 40 levels, each of which has its own goal, reaching which, you open access to the next. Very memorable level on which it was necessary to collect artifacts that appear for a short period of time. If you do not collect them quickly-the enemy will simply crush the number, if, of course, you are not playing at the lowest difficulty. All of them are presented 4, and the fourth opens only after the complete completion of the company on the third. The Difference, as I have noticed, is the strength of the enemies, their vitality and attack power, as well as the frequency of the arrival of health packs. During The battle, the enemies will periodically fall out various items that can be picked up at a distance. They are divided into two types: passive, which will operate throughout the level, and the usual: lecchiki, weapons, temporary bonuses. Total presented two cards that can not fail, this is really a little, even five cards would be small, especially given their size. The First map is a small meadow with a hill, in the center of which there is a composition of stones, vaguely reminiscent of English Stonehenge. The Second is a sinister place reminiscent of a scorched hellish wasteland surrounded by rocks. In The center there is an altar for sacrifices. The Design of the levels leaves much to be desired. Everything looks very empty, but at the same time it facilitates the free cutting of circles on the edge of the map in order to "kite" hordes of enemies. After Adding the game to Steam, the developers probably forgot to add the main argument between the "Take or not take?" option. Yes, I'm talking about cards and achievements. They are not, as well as the integration of records and the list of leaders among all players, it saddens, there is almost no reason to remain in the game after the campaign. Besides, perhaps, to stretch out in the morning, having played a couple of levels, very helps to wake up. You will probably wonder what I have highlighted above. Yes, of course, the game is worth it to try it, or to remember the youth, if you played it ten years ago. She's still beautiful, despite her age. It is better than many modern indie projects and fully pays for its price tag. Definitely Take! The Review is compiled by the author of the curator page-"Special Games Club"
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