Blade (2000)
Make way through various vampire-infested locations. Ventures through warehouses, sewers, museums, city streets, and nightclubs dispatching numerous types of enemies ranging from familiars (humans that do a vampire's bidding), vampires, zombies, monsters, killer dogs, and other creatures of the night.
Blade has his trademark sword, can also use fists as well as a variety of firearms including pistols, shotguns, and machine pistols. Each firearm has three different types of ammunition: standard, explosive, and silver, each with its own effect on different enemies. Blade is also equipped with a "multi-launcher" to kill vampires with silver glaives and UV grenades.
Blade is a video game based on the 1998 film adaptation of the Blade character that starred Wesley Snipes. Upon release, critics were mixed to negative in reviews; they were critical of the graphics, camera, controls, voice acting, and that it "failed to capture the spirit" of the movie.