Block Fighter
This is less of a demo and more of a proof-of-concept, as I'm planning on using this in a platform adventure with a fighting game styled input system, instead of a fully-fledged fighting game.
L3 switches between characters - don't switch while a move animation (other than idle) is playing or one of the characters will stop responding. This is because all the characters (and the dummy) are all sharing the same animation controller. Obviously in a proper demo I'd give each character their own controller, but this is just to get something up and running.
I've made a couple of moves cancelable. For example, you can do a Fireball move whilst in the middle of a Tornado Kick ;-)
Have fun and let me know of ways to improve the system.
Sprites were referenced from Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate.
Sound FX are from Eternal Champions.
Speech performed by yours truly.