Blond Escape
This Game was made mainly during the GGJ. But we wanted to finalize it. Sadly our Programmers PC broke on the 2nd GGJ day and we had a long break. We decided to swap the models out and make a Werewolf vs Jogger game. It can only be played with controllers and only on splitscreen. We don`t plan to develop it further, because we`re working on our real game. The game itself was completely created within three days. Afterwards only the UI was reworked.
I`ve added the current characters, which are in development and will replace the "wierd" ones =)
Dominique Mowius (Traumwolf) - Character Artist / Programming
Dominik Geuer (Piontek) - Tech Art / Programming
Michael Kaiser (Betonmischa) - Environment Artist
PDF Presentation:
Global Game Jam Link: