Bobbo: The Isolated Robo
You are a robot but OH NO! The World is ending! The only sane thing to do is go to the centre of the Earth!
-"A" to move left and "D" to move right;
-Up and Down arrows to move the camera...up and down;
-Don't fall into the spikes you fool!;
-If you run into a wall while holding either the "A" key or the "D" key, you will accelerate in that direction when there is no more wall (it's hard to explain ok?);
-It's really short;
-There is no button to skip dialogue. I'm sorry but I had a deadline.
I now know that there is another game for this exact same jam which has a robot called Bob02. I'm sorry, but in my defense, I had no idea I was copying. I will probably make a post jam version later since there was a lot I wanted to do, but couldn't. Also, thanks to "guizero" for helping out with coding.