Bob's Bizzare Adventure
A Short, Quirky, Eccentric Top-Down RPG Shooter with an insanely cool fighting mechanic that involves time.
Bob the Blob tried to learn a new skill this Quarantine but instead got bored and dozed off. Now he found himself in the Dangerous Dungeons of the Hot Heads!
Help Bob, the Blob, to return home by making use of his time ability where he commands THE WORLD to slow down before him!
What can you expect from this game?
- Narrative
- Engaging Enemies
- Stupid Enemies
- High Bro Energy Enemies
- Yeeted Enemies
- Badass Boss Music
- Wait a minute... A boss music needs a Boss... so.... '@_@`!!!
- Humorous Plot (probably :p)
- Somehow life lessons in amidst of this..?
- Intentional dead memes
- Jojo references...
This game was made for Game Jam and it's my first game jam/game in here.(Don't fall for this Cheap Trick. He's trying to gain sympathy by attacking you psychologically. DON'T READ FURTHER!!!).
So I would appreciate constructive criticism and tips on how I can improve if you decide to play my game.
Source Code:
(Credits given in the source code README File).
- Credits for Tile-set:
- Credits for Music:
- Font's used:,
Use WASD or the Arrow keys for movement and Z or Enter Key for shoot. Toggle fullscreen using F4 Key.
Anddddddd that's just a Theory it folks.
A Game Theory by Sreenington.
Thanks for Watching Playing!