Bombs "a"way!
Just thought of this while struggling with development of "Feed the SHAAAAARK!!". I think it's not so bad to make separate Suberunker-alike games with items from the FTS. Especially with bombs and shits.
Nothing much other than Gura and Ame dodging some bombs dropping on their head.
I'm gonna make one with shit dropping on their head next time xd
At main menu: Press SPACE to start
At Character Select:
Press "Key1" for Gura/Easy mode and "Key2" for Amelia/Hard Mode
Press SPACE to return to menu
At the stage:
<-Go Left
->Go right
SPACE: Pause (Press any key to continue)
When game is over:
Press "Z" to restart
Credit (Which isn't listed in the game)
License: CC-BY-NC-ND
Game Design: Yukine Kurohina
Programming: Yukine Kurohina and Bananman03
Illustrations: (Except for Gura in the intro) Yura Minase (873 Productions)
Background Images:, Naver Blog, and other unknown sources
BGM(Source: Youtube):
Intro: Gawr Gura BGM
Select Characters: Watson Amelia BGM (おもちゃのダンス)
Stage BGM/Gura: Rainbow Socialism (K-Meme parody of Kitsune^2's Rainbow Tyrenol) by hacker
Stage BGM/Ame: 'Kit⑨ne^死 - Ttack my Socialism' by 말똥구리
Voice Sources: Youtube and
Program used: Gamemaker 8 and Movavi Video editor
Created by: ALICE Project
Upcoming update: Ver.1.5 (Or perhaps 2.0)
-Perhaps using either Gamemaker Studio 2 or Unity2D
-Adding Mori Calliope as Hell Mode for new character and difficulty