Book of Awakenings
We have forgotten much, though some scraps of knowledge remain. They are passed down in whispers between generations, but never written.
They came long ago, in golden ships that filled the sky; they promised friendship and technology. They took the forms of beings revered.
They lied, and now we do not even know how long we've been their slaves.
Now, though, we have a chance. We've created something that can fight them; something born of their own power.
We will be free.
Grab the soundtrack on this page
Controls Keyboard- W / Up Arrow
- previous menu option (up)
- A / Left Arrow
- move left
- volume slider left (reduce volume)
- S / Down Arrow
- next menu option (down)
- D / Right Arrow
- move right
- volume slider right (increase volume)
- L / Z / Space
- jump
- K / X
- shoot
- Tab
- move to next menu option
- Enter / Spacebar
- activate current menu option
- speed up text display
- Esc
- leave current menu (or exit game if on main menu)
- open up in-game menu
Menu options can be selected by hovering the mouse over them
- Left click
- shoot
- activate currently selected menu option
- hold and drag to move volume sliders
- Right click
- jump
Specific configurations vary depending on which gamepad is being used.