Average Playtime: 3 hours

Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced

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Discover the co-op shooter-looter that started it all, crammed with content and enhancements! Equip bazillions of guns as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries, each with unique RPG skills. Take on the lawless desolate planet Pandora in pursuit of powerful alien technology: The Vault. With new weapons, visual upgrades, all 4 add-on packs and more, enjoy the highly acclaimed FPS/RPG solo or together with friends!
Bazillions of Guns: Rocket-launching shotguns, enemy-torching revolvers, SMGs that fire lightning rounds, and tons more.
Radical Art Style: Traditional rendering techniques combined with hand-drawn textures give Borderlands its iconic style.
Intense Vehicular Combat: Behind the wheel, engage in frenetic vehicle-to-vehicle combat.
Co-op Frenzy: Tear through the opposition as a crew of up to 4.NEW:VISUALLY STUNNING: With improved character models, environments, weapons, and textures, Borderlands paired with a 4K display never looked so good.
NEW WEAPONS: There are already too many to count so we added more.
NEW CHARACTER HEADS: Be as beautiful as mom says you are.
AND MORE!PLUS: THE ZOMBIE ISLAND OF DOCTOR NED: Enter the corporate owned small town known as Jakobs Cove and put an end to the rumors of the walking “undead.” New areas, new missions, new enemies, Oh My!
MAD MOXXI’S UNDERDOME RIOT: Celebrate the grand opening of Marcus Bank by taking on hundreds of foes in the only competitive arena around where you’re coming back famous... or not at all.
THE SECRET ARMORY OF GENERAL KNOXX: Want more of the Borderlands story and more loot than you could possibly figure out what to do with? Add new guns, missions, vehicles and more!
CLAPTRAP’S NEW ROBOT REVOLUTION: This destructive adventure invites you to battle a vicious new threat, a massive uprising of your former friends: the claptraps.

Release date
Gearbox Software
Blind Squirrel Games
2K Games
Age rating
17+ Mature
Parent game

System requirements for PC

  • 64 ビットプロセッサとオペレーティングシステムが必要です
  • OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
  • プロセッサー: Intel Core i3 530 @2.93GHz/AMD Phenom 9950 @2.6GHz
  • メモリー: 4 GB RAM
  • グラフィック: Geforce GTX 660, Radeon HD 6970
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • ストレージ: 25 GB 利用可能
  • サウンドカード: Directx 9.0c
  • 64 ビットプロセッサとオペレーティングシステムが必要です
  • OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
  • プロセッサー: Intel Core i3 2105 @3.1GHz/AMD FX 4100 @3.6GHz
  • メモリー: 4 GB RAM
  • グラフィック: Geforce GTX 760, Radeon HD 7850
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • ストレージ: 25 GB 利用可能
  • サウンドカード: Directx 9.0c

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

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Last Modified: Feb 22, 2025

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Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced reviews and comments

Comic visuals are great, gunplay feels good, the story is mostly told through audio logs and mission texts and the DLCs add just enough variety to be fresh. Decent start to the franchise
«Sit back and relax»
«Better with friends»
Fantastic and timeless game! I loved playing this in my childhood, but I never finished it, because of school and stuff and because Borderlands 2 came out shortly after I got it. Glad I finally could fill that gap in my Borderlands timeline. 
And to those, who say the game aged like milk: You could not be more wrong. The graphic choice made it literally impossible for it to age in that category. The gunplay is still on point and the story hell of a ride with all the funny dialogues and popculture references. 
Of course Borderlands 2 is better in any way, but after playing Borderlands 3, it is nice to come back to the roots, with slightly less hysterical characters and a lot of love in the product. 

«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
The second is better. Still quite fun though. The 4K enhancement was nice. The opening to this game is slow. The dialogue has some good chuckles.

Final Score: B+
it's not fun and the writing isn't funny.
Liked before it became a hit
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Borderlands is a beautiful Franchies. What made me several Hundred hours of fun on the Pc and The Console. I find It negative to rate is wrong because it is a Review to the Developer. My Frustration goes to 2k and Take 2 but which are of opinion they have to put for a certain total Borderlands and Red Dead time Exclusive in Epic store. A Decision against comunity for more Money would never bode well with Gearbox if they were right. I will buy it sometime later on team as long as the PS4 version must be enough.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Borderlands on Steam is great still: Written: Apr 4 At 11v07:07 PM Written: Apr 4 at 11v07 .../́ ̄/) ... (\¯`\ ............/...//......................................................\\...\ ........../....//.........................................................\\ .. \ ...../´¯/..../´¯\....................................................../¯`\....\¯`\ .. /./.. /..../..../. |_.. Review bombing ... _ | .. \....\....\...\.. \ (. (.... (.... (..../.) ..) ....................................... (... (.\....) .....) ...).) .\................\/.../...........................................\...\/................./ .. \.................../..............................................\..................../ ...\................. (................................................) ................../ ... and Epic Store
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A very good loot shooter who has finally received an Update and I'm very happy about it! + Graphics and Sound are really improved and it runs absolutely smoothly On my old Cucumber + many Features of BL2 and the TPS are now integrated and also make Sense + when Buying ammunition you no longer have to answer a Dialogue with Yes every time + I could answer my old Lev E-50 Char import and immediately got a Bunch of Achievements for + the four DLCs are included equal and don't even need to be added extra-the four DLCs still have only one Teleporter; General Knoxxx is particularly annoying, but you can also blurted it down a Note for Germany. Back then, Borderlands was indexed and I extra imported the English Version. Headshots, Burning, shooting Limbs, and Dissolving by Acid were censored away in the German Version. Steam had accepted the Key from my imported Version and had also installed the correct Version. (Thank you Steam!) I can report that the remaster version is also uncensored. You don't see that right at the Beginning because a new Character'S Pea slingshots do little Harm, but with my Level-50 (see above) I was able to check it. Thanks to Gearbox for that. However, I don't know what it's like if you bought or activated the German Version on Steam. Finally, the whole Bruhaha wg. The EGS exclusivity of BL3: Yes, I am annoyed by that too. BUT: Review bombing of this Game because of this is absolutely inappropriate! That Is why I decided to make a positive Report. Buy the Game! It's good!
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