Boss Battle: Gluttonborg
X to Attack, Hold C to Heal. Healing depletes Magic and you can heal up to three hearts with a full magic meter.
You can attack in every direction and if you attack downward on the enemy, you can pogo off of him like in Hollow Knight.
If you can't see the Hearts or Magic Meter, trying zooming in or out on the browser. I'm not experienced with WebGL and it wouldn't let me automatically detect the size.
If your browser is stuck loading, refresh the page and the progress bar should move again.
My effects have improved since my first project, but I still use Instantiate vs Object Pooling and complicated coding. I'm a character artist and animator and don't have that much experience rendering backgrounds.
Will have more of these boss/enemy demos in the future, but once I collect everything into a big project, most of the game won't be playable till a beta release. Follow me for more updates!
This game was coded in C# using what I learned off of Youtube and Udemy, while the spritesheets were made in ToonBoom and Krita. I only have experience in 2D graphics right now.
Expect many more combat options as game development progresses, like using magic for ranged/AOE attacks, dashing, wall-jump, and double jump -- basically the whole Hollow Knight schtick :D