Boss Encounter

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This is a small game that was completed during my Advance diploma for programing as a way to expand my knowledge of more complex systems, this inculdes local networking using "Mirror" a free assest for local networking games. An evaluation baised boss AI with multiple states to choose from such as wander, attack, flee, Minion spawner. A charge state was also included for the bosses minons. Due to this game being about complex systems and not so much about looks all animations and models are found off the unity assest store and Mixamo. The level design is basic and allows the boss to roam around his octacgon untill the player uses the levers to allow accsess to the player spawn. Expectations for this are for the looks to not be the main focus but the use of the systems such as AI and networking to be focused on.

how to play

1) Click the NetworkBossRoom.exe to launch the game.

2) After it it loaded you are presented with option in the top left.  If you wish to play alone select "Host". if you wish to play with 2 players one computer selects "Host" while the other computer will select Client.

3) Using the character controls below move your character towards the right most red capsule and left click with the mouse on it to remove the wall to fight the boss.

4) Damage the boss by shooting unitll dead.

5) Alt - F4 to delete the game.

6) Return to step 1 to play again.

Character controls

w - Fowards.

s - backwards.

a & d - respective rotations.

space - shoot.

Known Issues

Door networking opens for one player but not other, causes issues for AI.

Capsule to open door dosent always work.

No Menu/ option to restart.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Boss Encounter screenshot, image №2974421 - RAWG
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 13, 2021

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