BotWood is a party game, up to 12 people can play on the same PC, supports gamepads (can play two people in one), keyboard for 4 people, or the best, a mobile App that acts as gamepad.
You drive a giant robot but with archaic technology, inside it you must put the corresponding module to work, you can cooperate with other players inside the same robot, or working together with another robot; or face other players in the classic giant mech fight.
There are various maps, with missions such as protecting buildings, destroying buildings, race, ball game, fight: distance, mele or total.
It has a map editor, with all the features of the game.
Sometimes, PC, Android or router don't let UDP comunication flow right, first try to restart PC wifi, next smartphone or router wifi, else, try making PC acts like router wifi, or down firewall, but the first most cases work well :