Bouncy Brawl
Bouncy Brawl is a 4 player brawler that involves players moving around floating platforms with round, bouncy characters that the player will use to fight in a free for all battle to the last man standing.
Players will have the ability to dash, throw projectiles and block in order to defeat their opponents and be crowned the winner!
This project was made in response to a brief for a 4 player arcade style game for university, which was then shown at the AMAZE game festival in Berlin.
The 4 person team included:
Matthew Fuller - Producer/Designer
Amberlea Hoare-Foote - Environmental/logo and tutorial screen art
Josh paul - Programmer/Tech lead
Oscar - Character/victory screen art
For this project i was a producer/Designer, which involved my managing the teams workload, assisting in developing initial ideas for setting and gameplay and problem solving issues such as coding errors and changing pipelines.