BOXit 4.0 was created for the Trijam #74. It's based on BOXit JS, which I've written a few years ago.
I've made this game using PICO-8 on Linux, within 3 hours, as the Trijam rules require. I plan to work further on the game after the jam, because I feel the game is still unfinished (no sound, i.e.).
You have to clear the board as far as possible. Take one of the 25 tokens and jump with it onto another token. You can jump either horizontally or vertically, the distance does not matter. But be sure that the target token have either the same color or the same value as the token you are jumping with. The target token will be replaced by the target you were jumping with.
The game ends when no more moves are available. If then only one single token is left, then you have won the game.
Now have fun and good luck.
- Arrow keys - move the marker
- Z or X - (de)select tokens / confirm
Legal info:
This game comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU GPL v3.