Average Playtime: 7 hours

Brave Dungeon

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Find useful items, restore health and mana, use your skills and magic to resist the enemies and do not fall into the trap!
Endless roguelike in the style of good old 8-bit games on the dandy. Remember your childhood - the best childhood

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Nintendo 3DS

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

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Last Modified: Sep 17, 2019

Where to buy

Nintendo Store

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2 edits


1 edit
Brave Dungeon '20' Minute Gameplay Video (Nintendo Switch)
Dec 10, 2017
Almar Winfield
Dandy Dungeon: Legend of Brave Yamada: Quick Look
Jun 30, 2019
Giant Bomb
[3DS] Brave Dungeon video review
Dec 30, 2016
Briareos Ker...
Brave Dungeon + Dark Witch's Story:COMBAT trailer
Sep 15, 2017
Brave Dungeon + Dark Witch's Story: Combat (Switch) Review
Jan 13, 2018
Reviews 2 Go
Brave Dungeon - Nintendo 3DS Trailer
Mar 2, 2017
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Brave Dungeon reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Brave Dungeon-minimalistic indie bagel, in which you travel through the rooms of the dungeon, escape from enemies and try not to get into different traps. Pros of the game: + a lot of enemies and traps + several levels of difficulty + the game is undemanding to the resources of the computer + low price + Collectible cards Cons of the game:-Incomprehensible to our ultimate goal-no achievements Recommend game fans of 8-bit games and Indie-bagels, as well as collectors games, good entertainment for a couple of evenings, take the opportunity for nostalgia for childhood.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Get lost in the definition of the genre of this game. It's More of an arcade game than an adventure. The Essence of the gameplay-run around the room and kill all, break the barrels, pick up loot (usually cones with manna and health). It's Easier. Killed all-clicked "E"-started the next level, very similar to the previous one. The Game is dedicated to the memory of 8-bit games, so the graphics and music appropriate. I will not Even describe it, because it is made for nostalgic fans. The Low price and availability of collectible cards makes this purchase a profitable acquisition even if you are not a fan of such games.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
That's ridiculous. A Monotonous 8-bit soundtrack, beginning to bear the brain after 10 minutes of play (the catch is that the game content for these 10 minutes) and 8-bit graphics-details that do not save the game from the harsh verdict in the form of "finger down". The Main claim concerns its purposelessness. In Short to the point: Run inside the rectangle (supposedly it is a dungeon as written in the title of the game) and constantly click left mouse button for shooting. When the lives are low on the right mouse button using Mana Restore health. In Addition to the monsters that all polls beat in melee, randomly placed traps with arrows, constantly shmaljashhimi through the entire rectangle. In barrels, either health/mana potions or money. When a shop with a magician appears for money you can buy... A Health/mana potion (as unexpected!) and a cap that acts as a armor that is not restored, which means the thing is extremely questionable in its usefulness. And that's how it is to level. Further Details:-The Game has no goal, it does not even play for the sake of records-they are not displayed anywhere. -For some Reason, you can include hints in the options, but it does not affect anything. -Difficulty Level affects the speed of opponents. -Even When we die-the amount of gold remains the same. -You can Play endlessly, because after going somewhere 4 types of enemies, then again appears 1 type and it will be endlessly repeated from level to layer.
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