Brownies and Brimstone
Visual novel made in two weeks for Rainbow Jam 2021.
You play as a trans university student on holiday, helping your family clean up your nanna's house before the open house. Turns out you weren't the only one who held in a secret for years...
In this visual novel you'll meet three different beelzebabes (and might even be able to liberate one from the demon realm). Expect talk of gender identity, sexual orientation, and delicious baked goods.
PlaytimeAround 30-60 minutes
ControlsKeyboard and mouse.
- Enter/space to advanced dialog
- Arrow keys or WASD keys to move in house
- E key to interact
- Story Design and Writing: HeckinRobin
- Art: Belledritch
- Programming: Patrice Metcalf-Putnam
- Music and audio: Tim Lane
- Button Babe (and art feedback): Krissy Metcalf-Putnam
- Title screen juicer: Alvin Raj
- Voice Acting: Katherine Tole (Lilith and Tol) and Stephen Roe (Kal)
- Special thanks to Starmen and Gedric for proofreading and art feedback
- Misc assets
- Jackhammer sound: InspectorJ of (CC 1.0)
- Fire shader: Tsar333 (MIT license)
- Dialogic Godot Addon (MIT license)
All in-game recipes should be bakeable, if slightly vague. Recipes derived from the following: