Bullet Nirvana
It started with the invaders in ships that travel in space, and it has led to this: The next step of the Bullet Hell genre. Some might think it simplistic, some might think it a joke, some might think it a blatant scam to take your hard-earned one (1) dollar (optional donation), and some might even think it an elaborate, indulgent, pretentious, first-year-philosophy-student sort of pointless twaddle trying to sound impressive and spending more time writing this box text than making the actual game. To which I say, okay, I have literally spent more time writing this than I spent on making the game. Sometimes a concept is so perfect in itself it needs little elaboration. Some famous minimalist painter died the other day. Sometimes you've got to stop and meditate on the flowers. Think about thinking. Be conscious of consciousness. Mindfulness. Caring. Fun. Games.
This is the first game I've ever made. Please don't spare my feelings. It's 30 minutes of work in Twine and Photoshop. If the total number of people who play it ever reaches that number I'll be way too pleased with myself.