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BULLSHOT, run & gun action shooting game for diehard fans and newcomers!

Twenty light years from AR-K space station is planet planet Valer, inhabited by the peaceful valerians. After several years of war, the invaders, the evil cardesians rule with an iron fist, depriving the valerians from their freedom, apple pies and the valerian life style. Crooked cardesians have been trying to annihilate any spark of resistance.

However, Frank F. Franky, president of Bulls of Anarchy, it's hiding his secret identity in order to destroy them from the inside, setting his rebel arrested mates and the whole valerian civilization free. A fax has shown his next victim, they didn't give him another option... they've messed with the wrong bull.Key Features:
  • 9 Levels
  • 5 Bonus stages
  • Play in 4 old TV modes: CRT, VHS, B&W, broken
  • 1 Bad-ass main character!
  • Multiplayer mode!
  • Endless ammo!!
  • 200% FUN!!!

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
  • Processor: Intel/AMD Dual Core or similar
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1GB
  • Storage: 1500 MB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1GB
  • Storage: 1500 MB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • Processor: Intell/AMD Dual Core or similar
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1GB
  • Storage: 1500 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Sep 21, 2024

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2 edits


2 edits
Random Arma3 Bullshittery (part 1)
Nov 21, 2014
Random Arma 3 Antistasi Bullshittery - part 1/5
Jun 6, 2019
Are Bullshots Illegal?
Oct 14, 2016
Super Bunnyhop
This is what happens when you promote an adult video game... I MADE A MONSTER!
Mar 21, 2019
Dan Bull
Why Valve's bullshot ban NEEDED to happen
Nov 3, 2016
Pretty Good ...
Why we're tired of being RIPPED OFF by Bullshots | PGSS Episode 8
Nov 5, 2016
Pretty Good ...
View all videos
1,964 items
Finish the heart in the bloodiest way
Broken heart
Destroy the heart of the giant worm
Toxic Bull
Find the collectables in the B.O.A. Headquarters.
The Return of the President
Finish the B.O.A. Headquarters stage.
No one can hear you scream
Find the collectables in the spaceship stage
view all achievements
42 items

Bullshot reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review its been a long time since I have had a genre game in my hands... The early access thus gives the possibility to play the first 3 levels of the games also incorporating bonus levels between levels. And I have to say that I have a lot of fun playing this game. The gameplay is good although the possiblity of not being able to shoot during a jump be annoying, it reminds above all the gameplay of Blackthorne in the direction where one can tackle a wall to dodge the enemy shots and then attack gunstar heroes in the following way shooting in 360 ° or one loads like a bull beserk way in enemies but beware of explosive enemies. Xbox/Playstation joysticks or keyboard with mouse, you have a choice. Level atmosphere, there is nothing to say especially about the launch of the game that is hot in the heart (nostalgia when you hold us...) the video filters are very successful and will please especially those who have known VHS and cathode TVs. Our hero is charismatic and I hope a beautiful revenge style scenario as I explain in one of the topics of discussion of the game. On the other hand, the youngest (under 20 years) may not appreciate this game and it is understandable because they have not known this time that this game makes you rediscover with pleasure.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review you are Franky F. Frank, a bull determined to fight the cardeans, zombies and robots, while freeing the fellow prisoners. From a gameplay very close to metal slug, the less grenades, you kill the enemies in a futuristic level design that are doing very well with that of the characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEN5ZFRLiAU the B.O. of the game is training, rhythmic, efficient to progression, nothing to say is electro. Problems, but probably temporary, like the difficulty of the game which is rather random. The levels are pretty easy to cross, compared to the end-of-levels bosses that are powerful. Being a beta tester, so having access before the release date, I suggested to the publishers to place "checkpoint", in order to systematically reappear the player in front of the boss's Lair at each death, and they will soon implant it. Indeed, in the current version, it is necessary to go through a level (about 5 minutes) to not even be on to hold 30 seconds in front of the final test. The game screen is constantly spotted, I do not know why this choice, maybe to get closer to a style "retro" it is disturbing the first parts but we forget it quickly. The gameplay is well optimized and the joystick support is complete, at least it is perfectly functional with the PS3/360 controllers. The editors are proud of it and because the game is barely released that it is already translated into more than 18 languages, which is a feat for a small independent team that develops and edits its own games. Please note that the game is currently available at a low price compared to what it is currently, and that it will strongly advance to encourage players who support the early access of this game. You can this review update and accompanied by images on my blog, as well as many others [avis-et-test-de-jeux.blogspot.fr]
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