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C-Wars is pixel action horror game with strategy, rogue-like flavor, and a 16-bit graphics which is retro enough to bring you back to 90's.

Start your story with different heroes from different factions. Unveil dark stories behind the infectious outbreak that turns people into mutated monsters.

Each playthrough has a main storyline and randomly generated missions. You'll need to fight off enemies, loot gears, supplies and manage soldiers to get a better chance of survival.

Combat will be tough and unforgiving. But you'll have many chances to better yourself. Getting beaten in battle won't instantly kill you. Instead, it increases the crisis value. The more time you spend on failure and wander around the closer you are to face the end.

Release date
Onipunks Studio
Onipunks Studio
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.6 or above
  • Processor: Intel 2 GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1280x720 minimum resolution, OpenGL 2.0 Support, and recommended dedicated graphics card with 128 MB of RAM
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1280x720 minimum resolution, OpenGL 2.0 Support, and recommended dedicated graphics card with 128 MB of RAM
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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C-Wars reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review worst game i ever played.. i know its early acces. but relase was already 3 years ago ! i can only select 1 charakter. only in tutorial is text, like ppl are talking. the "main" game. is even shorter than the tutorial. 1 charakter. no description what to do, no story. and you do 5 fights ? and END of the game "to be continue" thats a bad joke ! and for lets say a total of 30-90 min gameplay playing 13$ ? are u ♥♥♥♥ing kidding me.. this is the first game where i would like to get my money back...
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Early Access Review Backed this game a while ago and received the free key. Not a fan of Steam, but find this Early Access thing pretty interesting. Love the pixel art style and animation. But the game is truly in need for more contents. Looking forward to the auto-generated missions and equipment system! I don't see the point for trolling and ranting can help them make good product. And this team seems working hard on nailling harsh situations for now. Anyway, that's what I think. Here's my thumb up and hope for a better game for now. Don't keep us waiting this time! 谢谢 and 加油!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review At this point this "game" isn't worth the price. All you get are 3 Characters, who get no introduction, you just select them in one of the worst select screens I have ever seen and are just thrown into the game... And now you are stuck with this character, because the only way to get back to the select screen, is when you beat all available missions with that character. Which is near impossible with those controls. Your character is moving on a invisible grid and can only move one space at a time and when you are finally close enough to hit an enemy, he will just dodge it because the attack animations are too long. Take the gun, pose a bit, aim straight forward, shoot and put the gun back to where ever you've got it from. I see what they are trying to do, (I guess) they want to have a mix of real time and turn based combat, but that is one of the worst attempts to do so, that I have seen yet. Oh and did I mention that you can't exit the game. I've tried every damn key on my keyboard and the only ones that worked were Ctrl+Alt+Del. I know that Early Access Games are kind of just a preview of the finished product, but you got to have more than that. Your problem probably is, that you focused too much on the pixel art (which is beautiful btw), but stunning visuals can't make up for horrible gameplay. If you want to support the devs, buy it. But if you are just interested in the game, wait until it has more content.
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