Cacildes Adventure - Episode 1
This is a revival of an old RPG Maker project I had a few years ago. Development for this first episode started in January 2022. All mechanics were coded from scratch, including an Event System similar to the one present in RPG Maker, which allowed me to create npcs and cutscenes with ease. I plan on developing this Event System further on future episodes. Also, all the game's source code is available for free at github.
For the soulslike fans, you'll notice a lot of mechanics that we all love from the Dark Souls games: there are boss fights, weapons that scale, bonfires and, of course, poisonous swamps!
- Heavy focus on melee combat, with emphasis on stamina management and spacing;
- Dialogue with multiple choices;
- Reputation system tied to your choices;
- Two boss fights available, one of them a secret!
- Enemies can throw projectiles and some have environmental attacks;
- Poison and fatigue status can affect your character - more status planned for future episodes;
- Bonfires allow you to level up;
- Weapons scale with your attributes;
- Hotkey system to favorite items and use them in combat;
- Lighthearted story and atmosphere;
- New Game +, keep your weapons and armor from previous playthroughs!
- And more...
- Use F5 to quickly save game, F9 to load
- Any issues / bugs / improvements, feel free to comment, Episode 1 will continue to receive support while I work on future instalments
- Some systems like the New Game + and levelling up past a certain number have not been tested extensively, so expect some issues here and there :-)
- Translation to portuguese